
Develop for all browsers- not just yours.

What is X-Browser?

X-Browser mixes the best of both worlds when developing for web: a rich text editor with autocomplete functionality and real time testing. Upon saving your HTML, CSS, or JavaScript file your code will come to life to live in a multi browser view. Seeing your site running in major browsers like Chrome and Firefox all at once allows for better testing and compatibility checking. With x-Browser, you wont need to leave your editor to make sure your site is the best it can be!

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Why use X-Browser?

So why x-Browser over similar cross-browser testing solutions? Other testing services are separated from your testing environment, requiring you to upload your website each time you would like to see your changes. x-Browser offers a streamlined all-in-one solution for testing your website across different browsers. Developers can edit their code and see the website all in one easy-to-use platform, no need for juggling several different tools.

Try it out

X-Browser is free and open source. It's supported on major operating systems. Download it and let us know what you think!
